All posts by Julien Alexandre

Panel discussion: Is there an ethical manner to ensure the redistribution of newly created wealth?”, 21st March 2013

Panel discussion with Bruno Colmant (AG Insurance), Francis Colaris (P&V), BenoƮt Verwilghen (Ethias) and Marek Hudon (ULB) moderated by Steven Rombaut (VRT journalist)


– Is the redistribution of newly created wealth a reflexion of a “natural” division of labour or of a “cultural” and historically determined power balance between stakeholders?
– A history of redistribution theory
– 19th century economists claimed that private property upsets free competition. Can a balance be struck?
– The payment of interest implies the concentration of wealth
– Basic income guarantee. Is it feasible?
– A world without work?

Panel discussion: The financial world and its regulators”, 22d November 2012

Panel discussion with Mathias Dewatripont (BNB-ULB), Jean Bellemans (Vesalius), Thierry Philipponnat (Secretary General, Finance Watch) & Guy Roelandt (Belfius Ins) moderated by Steven Rombaut (VRT journalist).


– The regulatory structures and process
– The power balance between regulator and regulated firms
– Breakdowns in supervision:
– The Savings & Loans crisis (1986-1991)
– The securitisation of subprime loans (2002-2007)
– The LIBOR affair (2006-2009)
– Are revolving doors between supervised and regulator undermining supervision?
– To what extent does the power of money upset the regulatory process?