Trumpism is no political system, it’s a cult: the cult of brute force, the cult of “If you’re not like me, i.e. a Straight White Rich Guy, go fuck yourself!”.
You don’t fight a cult with arguments, you fight it with a better cult: the cult of generosity, of openness of the heart, of compassion,…
Video – The USA are in dire straits!
Please do whatever you can so that the US remain a democracy!
If we wish to be spared a coup led by Trump…
If we wish to be spared a coup led by Trump, he needs to be offered, as an alternative to the jail time that awaits him if he loses the presidential election, that…
United States – November Presidential: The Spectrum of the 1876′ Stalemate
We hear a lot about 1876 these days in the United States. The reason is this: the 1876 presidential election resulted, not in…
Has Trump betrayed the values of the Republican Party or revealed its true nature?
If you follow a little bit what I say here, you will know that I believe that there are several tendencies within the Republican Party…
Trends-Tendances – The danger zone, August 27 2020
If someone had solemnly said to me at some point in my life: “in ten years time we will look back and realize that humanity is at a turning point at this very moment, and that its survival depends on the great decisions that must be…
Video – A Nasty Little Talk
The Ticket : Joe Biden & Kamala Harris
Why Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as Vice President is a “good” thing…
United States – Why Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as Vice President is a “good” thing… – August 12, 2020
If I were a citizen of the…
The Trump Meteorite Fall. Volume 2: “High treason!” soon to be published
“The Trump Meteorite Fall”, Volume 1: A Misidentified Populist Object
I’ve written in French a two-volume book on the fall of the…
PJ’s Daily Bugle #3 – Trump, Brexit, apoptosis
How do civilisations commit suicide?
What’s Trump Up to? PJ’S Daily Bugle #1
G7 – Trump abusively clashes with Trudeau
My comment :
Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of…