Tag: Artificial Intelligence

  • Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #7 – Memory traces have an emotional value

    Each word-pair stored in memory has a particular affect value

  • Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #6 – The blocks of thought are word-pairs

    Only word pairs produce a thought that can be true or false

  • Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #5 – A dynamics of emotions

  • Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #4 – Overall principles

    Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence

    Overall Principles

    A reminder :

    Thought as Word Dynamics #1
    Thought as Word Dynamics #2
    Thought as Word Dynamics #3…

  • Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #3 – Abstract

    Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence

    The abstract

    A reminder :

    Thought as Word Dynamics #1
    Thought as Word Dynamics #2

  • Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #2 – An introduction

    A reminder: Thought as Word Dynamics #1

    Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence

    An introduction

  • Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #1 – Historical background

    Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence

    A brief history (from 1987 to nowadays)

  • Pribor.io – Self-Aware Machines (AI)

    SAM (Self-Aware Machines) based on a true understanding of the human psyche

    Paul Jorion’s Approach to a Genuine birth of Artificial Intelligence

  • “Freudian metapsychology and AI systems”, Chapter 4 of a forthcoming book: Humanising Artificial Intelligence. Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Control

    Humanising Artificial Intelligence. Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Control, Luca Possati (ed.)

    Chapter 4: “Freudian metapsychology and AI systems”, by Paul Jorion

    For eighty years now speculative thinkers have debated Isaac Asimov’s “3 Laws of robotics”, a bundle of 3 simple interlocking directions…

  • Porto – *Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity* Conference, October 21st and 22d 2021

    *Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity*

    The abstract of the talk I’ll give.

    When Max More describes “transhumanism as a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by…

  • Paul Jorion speaks at the Insurance Industry session at the AI4People Summit 2020

    You won’t fail noticing that Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, former Portuguese Socialist minister, and I are essentially on the same wavelength.