Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #4 – Overall principles
Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence
Overall Principles
A reminder :
Thought as Word Dynamics #1
Thought as Word Dynamics #2
Thought as Word Dynamics #3… -
Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #3 – Abstract
Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence
The abstract
A reminder :
Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #2 – An introduction
A reminder: Thought as Word Dynamics #1
Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence
An introduction
Video – Thought as Word Dynamics #1 – Historical background
Paul Jorion’s approach to Artificial Intelligence
A brief history (from 1987 to nowadays)
Pribor.io – Self-Aware Machines (AI)
SAM (Self-Aware Machines) based on a true understanding of the human psyche
Paul Jorion’s Approach to a Genuine birth of Artificial Intelligence
“Freudian metapsychology and AI systems”, Chapter 4 of a forthcoming book: Humanising Artificial Intelligence. Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Control
Humanising Artificial Intelligence. Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Control, Luca Possati (ed.)
Chapter 4: “Freudian metapsychology and AI systems”, by Paul Jorion
For eighty years now speculative thinkers have debated Isaac Asimov’s “3 Laws of robotics”, a bundle of 3 simple…
Porto – *Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity* Conference, October 21st and 22d 2021
Paul Jorion speaks at the Insurance Industry session at the AI4People Summit 2020
You won’t fail noticing that Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, former Portuguese Socialist minister, and I are essentially on the same wavelength.
Paul Jorion speaks at the Banking & Finance Industry session at the AI4People Summit 2020
Are we unwittingly creating a new god? PJ’s Daily Bugle #2
The New York Times: One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine, by Steven Strogatz, December 26th 2018
Paul Jorion at San Patrignano, April 10, 2015
The great challenges of our time, San Patrignano 2015
The reasoning artificial toddler
I was interviewed earlier today by Richard Adhikari, a journalist at TechNewsWorld, about an Artificial Intelligence project. I didn’t know anything about that project except what would be the title of the article: “AI Program Thinks Like a 4-Year-Old”.
There is an excellent summary of what I had told the journalist:
“I’m always…
The individual unit in the network as far as speech generation is concerned is a word-pair
Thought as word dynamics. II. Architecture (5)
Mathematically speaking, a graph is a set of ordered pairs. It can be decomposed in elementary units of individual pairs. Each of the two elements in an ordered pair represents a node in the graph and every pair represents an edge. Say, there are four nodes, A, B,…
The network comprises a subset of the words (the “content words”) of a particular natural language
Thought as word dynamics. II. Architecture (4)
In Indo-European languages there are two types of words. Every speaker has a very strong intuitive feeling of this. We have no difficulty when defining the meaning – or offering a definition – of words of the first type: “a rose is a flower that has many petals,…
A talking subject experiences the dynamics of speech generation as emotional or “affective”
Thought as word dynamics. I. General principles. (3)
A thoroughly “physical” account of the objective dynamics of speech performance will be provided later. In the meantime I’m indicating here that as far as talking subjects are concerned, their subjective experience of the dynamics of speech performance is – from the initiation of a speech act…
The network in question is stored in the human brain
Thought as word dynamics. I. General principles. (2)
It is undeniable that speech acts are produced from within a talking subject, as they are uttered through the mouth. This however does not necessarily imply that the network mentioned in Speech acts are generated as the outcome of a dynamics operating on a network, along…
Speech acts are generated as the outcome of a dynamics operating on a network
Thought as word dynamics. I. General principles (1)
The general hypothesis is that “speech acts are generated as the outcome of a dynamics operating on a network”; it is specific as far as it states that the data, the “words,” summoned in the generation of speech acts are structured as a network. It is also…
Thought as Word Dynamics
On two occasions already on my French blog, I’ve written an article in a serialized format, posting each part whenever it was ready then creating a link to a copy of the whole text when it had reached a final form. In both instances has the process taken about two months (Les tâches et…
Artificial reason and the heart
So, Marvin Minsky has just published a new book called The Emotional Machine (Simon & Schuster 2007) where he states that Artificial Intelligence should rest on the observed feature that intelligence is emotional by nature. This of course rings a bell, as some twenty years ago an audacious AI engineer, traveling between Martlesham Heath (Suffolk)…