Update on where we stand

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7 responses to “Update on where we stand”

  1. May be the best news of the day: P. Jorion coming back into the english version of his blog !
    Very nice way to practice english, indeed; so thanks so much allowing us to spend more time with you Paul;
    About the contents of the forthcoming articles: will they be pure translations or thoughts aiming more abroad readers(American- English) ?

  2. What’s really needed now to bring some new light shed for the English speaking observers is an English/American publisher to take over the task of translating the 3 books already published in France, together with the 4th to come.

    Any chance that could happen?

  3. I heard you on France Culture and as ever looking for explanations of the Crisis, sought out your blogs. I hope you can begin to add to the English version of the site. I have bookedmarked the site and wait with expectation.

  4. Dear Mr Jorion,

    While you are obviously a busy man and all your knowledge sharing is well appreciated, could you perhaps reply to the multiple questions – amongst others those above – posed over the past several months regarding the important issue of potential English translations of your five most recent books?

    I’ve asked you this question before, but you seem to remain studiously silent on the matter.

    Do you attach more importance to the (study of the admittedly beautiful) French language than to the wider dissemination of your ideas?

    Thank you in advance for your kind attention.


  5. Lucas,

    Here’s the answer: no one has shown any interest – not even tentative – in translating my French books in any language. Wishing that your books get translated is unfortunately just like wanting your books published: it depends entirely on other people.

    I hope you will find my answer satisfactory.