Cop26 : Greta Thunberg et Jennifer Morgan (Greenpeace) interrompent la table-ronde sur la taxe carbone

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13 réponses à “Cop26 : Greta Thunberg et Jennifer Morgan (Greenpeace) interrompent la table-ronde sur la taxe carbone

  1. Avatar de Pad

    Confusion On Planet pour la vingt-sixième fois …

  2. Avatar de Emmanuel

    Bravo ! A voir aussi, le discours qu’a prononcé par Greta Thumberg et qui suit : ça promet !! Bas les masques de ces politiciens corrompus et convenus ! « Greenwashing, BlaBlaBla « !

    1. Avatar de Guy Leboutte

      Un joint, Emmanuel? Euh, pardon, un lien ?

  3. Avatar de Benjamin

    C’est comme le développement durable : le droit à poursuivre la croissance (et donc la surconsommation des ressources finies de la Terre) mais colorée en vert ! C’est moins triste que le gris industriel d’autre fois.

    Cette COP26 confirme que nos élites tentent de noyer le poisson depuis un quart de siècle sur le sujet de l’environnement. Business is business : tant que la planche à billets tourne et que la bourse grimpe, pourquoi changer la donne et modifier le modèle – surtout si les peuples ne se rebellent pas vraiment ?!

  4. Avatar de Michel

    Y’a pas une multinationale de la lessive verte?
    Si oui, ses actions doivent grimper en flèche.

  5. Avatar de gaston

    Ce que nous chantent « nos » dirigeants à la COP26 :

    « Tout va très bien Madame la Banquise,
    « Tout va très bien, tout va très bien,
    « Pourtant il faut, il faut que l’on vous dise :
    « On déplore un tout petit rien,
    « Un incident, une bêtise,
    « La mort de votre ours polaire,
    « Mais à part ça, Madame la Banquise,
    « Tout va très bien, tout va très, bien.
    « Cela n’est rien, Madame la Banquise,
    « Cela n’est rien, tout va très bien,
    « Pourtant il faut, il faut que l’on vous dise,
    « On déplore un tout petit rien :
    « L’a disparu,
    « Noyé tout cru,
    « Avec la glace qui est fondue,
    « Mais à part ça, Madame la Banquise,
    « Tout va très bien, tout va très bien,

      1. Avatar de Paul Jorion

        J’ai vécu dix ans dans une région où quand on faisait une promenade quelque peu intéressante, il fallait être sur le qui-vive vis-à-vis de ce que j’appelle « puma » et les locaux, « mountain lion » ou « cougar ». Je viens de consulter les chiffres de rencontres mortelles.

        Before 1970[edit]

        Name, age Date Location, comments
        (Unnamed Child), 3 August 21, 1868 « Killed by a Cougar.— The Oregon Harold of August 24th contains the following: On the 21st instant, a little child three years old, of Mr. Patton, living on Rear Creek, three miles west of the Long Tom, in Lane county, was killed by a cougar. The child was playing in the yard and within, ten feet of the door of the dwelling, when the cougar sprang upon it from the bushes which grew near the house. The mother seeing the beast drag her child towards the timber, seized a stick and started in pursuit. She attacked the cougar with such resolution that it dropped its burden, and the heroic woman taking the lifeless body under one arm and her only remaining child under the other, made her way to a neighbor’s house, a mile and a half distant. Mr. Patton was absent from home at the time. »[8] Lane County, Oregon
        Arthur Dangle, 7 June 19, 1890 Killed and eaten by two cougars while playing near his home in Quartz Valley, Siskiyou County, California
        Frank Cook, age unknown November 11, 1901 Attacked by a cougar east of the Santa Caterina Landing in Baja California.[9]
        A. C. Marklein, age unknown March 1, 1904 Killed by a cougar in Bushy Cane Creek Magoffin County, Kentucky. A. C. Marklein and A friend named McCarty both from New York state were attacked. A. C. Marklein received fatal injuries while McCarty was attacked, but survived.[10][11][12][13][14][15]
        Child Brown, 2 or 14*NOTE: Probable false report January 31, 1909 Killed by a cougar near Balboa, California. The boy was attacked while in a tent. News stories variously reported his age as 2 and 14. It was reported in a local paper the following day that the story was a hoax. The paper confirmed the local coroner never received a report of a child suffering a violent death in this manner.[16][17]
        Isola Kennedy, 38; Earl Wilson, 10 July 5, 1909 Rabid cougar attacked a woman and child in Morgan Hill in Santa Clara County, California. Both victims died from rabies, not from the physical injuries. This is the only instance of a double fatality and the only instance where the victims succumbed to disease rather than the injuries sustained in the attack.[18]
        Child, 3 August 21, 1911 Killed by a cougar inside his family home near Beaumont, Texas.
        Jimmie Fehlhaber, 13 December 17, 1924 Attacked and killed at Olema, Washington as he tried to outrun a cougar for about 100 yards (91 m)[19]
        Dominic Taylor, 7 June 1949 Killed and eaten while walking on a beach in Kyuquot, British Columbia[20]
        Woman, unknown age 1951 Killed in Tampico, Mexico.[21]
        Elena Salzar, 5 June 1953 Attacked, dragged off, and eaten in Tampico, Mexico[21]


        Name, age Date Location, comments
        Lawrence Wells, 12 January 1971 Attacked and killed in Lytton, British Columbia by male cougar while Wells was playing with his sisters
        Kenneth Clark Nolan, 9 January 20, 1974 Killed by a 3-year-old female cougar in Arroyo Seco, New Mexico
        Matilda Mae Samuel, 7 July 1976 Killed by cougar near Gold River, British Columbia, while walking on a road.[22]


        Name, age Date Location, comments
        Jesse Sky Bergman, 9 May 16, 1988 Stalked and killed by a four-year-old male cougar at Catface Mountain in British Columbia near Tofino.
        Jake Thomas Gardipee, 5 September 9, 1989 Attacked and killed by at least two, possibly three, cougars while riding a tricycle behind his home in Missoula County, Montana near Evaro.


        Name, age Date Location, comments
        Scott Lancaster, 18 January 14, 1991 Killed and eaten while jogging a familiar route on a hill above Clear Creek High School in Idaho Springs, Colorado.[23]
        Jeremy Williams, 7 May 5, 1992 Attacked and killed in Kyuquot, British Columbia by a young female cougar while playing in the school yard.[24]
        Barbara Barsalou Schoener, 40 April 23, 1994 Long distance runner and Placerville resident was attacked and killed while jogging on the American River Canyon Trail in California’s Auburn State Recreation Area.[25][26]
        Iris M. Kenna, 56 December 10, 1994 Killed while hiking alone near Cuyamaca Peak in California’s Cuyamaca Rancho State Park.[26][27]
        Cindy Parolin, 36 August 19, 1996 Mother killed while defending her 6-year-old son on a horseback riding trip in Tulameen, British Columbia.[28]
        Mark Miedema, 10 July 17, 1997 Killed by an adult female cougar in Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park while hiking when he got ahead of his family.[29]


        Name, age Date Location, comments
        Frances Frost, 30 January 2, 2001 This Canmore, Alberta resident was killed by a cougar while skiing on Cascade Fire Road near Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park, Alberta[30]
        Mark Jeffrey Reynolds, 35 January 8, 2004 Attacked and killed while mountain biking at Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park in southern Orange County, California. It is believed his chain fell off and the cougar attacked when he bent down to repair his bicycle. His family Terri, Gary and Dona started the Mark J. Reynolds Memorial « Children’s First Bike Fund » which provides bicycles and helmets to underprivileged children.[26][31]
        Robert Nawojski, 55 June 24, 2008 Searchers found his partially devoured body on this date near his mobile home in Pinos Altos, New Mexico. Investigators concluded that he had been attacked, killed and eaten by a cougar several days earlier.[32][33][34]


        Name, age Date Location, comments
        S.J. Brooks, 32 [35] May 19, 2018 Killed by a cougar near North Bend, Washington, while biking in the foothills near North Bend. Another bicyclist was injured, and the cougar was found and killed later that day.[36][37]
        Diana Bober, 55 September 11, 2018 Killed by a cougar in Mount Hood National Forest on the Hunchback Mountain Trail. The first in Oregon’s recorded history.[38]
        1. Avatar de gaston

          Les Ford Cougar ont dû certainement faire plus de morts sur les routes dans un laps de temps beaucoup plus court .
          Brrrr ! Sales bêtes !

          1. Avatar de Chabian

            @ arkao : Ils mourraient 100 hommes par an dans les mines belges, après 1945. Début 1956, l’Italie veut renégocier l’accord belgo-italien « des hommes contre du charbon ». Mais en aout, 136 italiens meurent parmi les 262 morts de la catastrophe et la négociation est abandonnée. Alors un ours ou un cougar… en comparaison avec le capitalisme…

            1. Avatar de arkao

              Désolé mais je ne vois pas le rapport.
              C’était juste pour rappeler que certaines espèces devenues l’emblème de la crise environnementale ne sont pas que des gentils nounours ou des gentils tigrounets en peluche mais aussi des prédateurs pour l’homme. L’argument qu’ils seraient devenus plus agressifs avec le changement climatique est très certainement erroné. Il suffit de lire les récits concernant les populations du Grand Nord aux siècles derniers pour comprendre que les relations avec ces grands prédateurs ont toujours été très tendues.

  6. Avatar de Asclépios

    COP machin… Tartufferie écoeurante.
    Vite, la sécession du peuple / des peuples!

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