À ce prix là en relié, ce n’est pas donné, ce qui est hélas le cas aujourd’hui pour de tels livres s’adressant quasi exclusivement à un public universitaire ; heureusement, 24,99 € pour la version brochée. C’est une belle entreprise, et en particulier pour moi, ma première participation à une controverse philosophique au niveau international.
La table des matières :
Paul Jorion, Humanism and its Discontents – The Rise of Transhumanism and Posthumanism
- Humanism on the wane
Marius Dorobantu, Strong Artificial Intelligence and theological anthropology: one problem, two solutions
II. Complement and supplements
Susanna Lindberg, On Prosthetic Existence: what differentiates deconstruction from transhumanism and posthumanism
III. Boundaries and frontiers
Discourse between Stefan Lorenz Sorgner and Paul Jorion on Nietzsche, Fascism and Moving Beyond Humanism
Paul Jorion, From Friedrich Nietzsche to Stefan Sorgner: the short path leading from superhumanism to metahumanism
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Dignity, Personhood, and the Sacred.
Paul Jorion, Truth? Still breathing!
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Enlightenment, Truths, and the Sciences
Hélène Jeannin, When skin and technology intertwine
IV. The Enlightenment recovered
Salomé Bour, On Max More’s extropianism
Alexander Thomas, Transhumanism and Advanced Capitalism: elitist logics and dangerous implications
V. The cunning of Reason
Paul Jorion, Posthumanism, transhumanism, superhumanism and metahumanism from an adaptive standpoint
Clément Vidal & Francis Heylighen, Ethics and Complexity: Why standard ethical frameworks cannot cope with socio-technological change
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