Tout va bien !

Everything’s Okay

My crop it rotted – in the ground
I asked for another loan but the banker turned me down
But – we’re still a-livin and we’re prayin’ for better days
So – after all, everthing’s in purty good shape.

I went to the country – just the other day
To see my uncle Bill and sorta pass the time away
I asked him how he’d been – since last, I’d passed his way
He rubbed his chin – here’s what he had to say.

My wife’s been sick – the youngns, too
And I’m durn near – down with the flu
The cow’s gone dry – and them hens won’t lay
But we’re still a-livin – so everything’s okay.

The hogs took the cholera and they’ve all done died
The bees got mad – and they left the hive
The weevils got the corn and the rain rotted the hay
But – we’re still a-livin – so everything’s okay.

The porch rotted down – that’s more expense
The durned old mule – he tore down the fence
The mortgage is due and – I can’t pay
But – we’re still a-livin – so everything’s okay.

The cow broke in the field and eat up the beans
The durn rabbits – they got the turnip greens
And my ma-in-law just moved in to stay
But – we’re still a-livin – so everything’s okay.

My land’s so poor – so hard and yeller
You have to set on a sack of fetilizer to raise an umbreller
And it rains out here – nearly ever day
But – were still a-livin – so everything’s okay.

The well’s gone dry and I have to tote the water
Up from the spring – about a mile and a quarter
My helper, he quit – for the lack of pay
But – we’re still a-livin – so everthing’s okay.

The house it leaks – it needs a new top
When it rains – it wets everthing we got
The chimney fell down – just yesterday
But – we’re still a-livin – so everything’s okay.

The corn meal’s gone and the meats run out
Got nothin’ to kill to put in the smokehouse
The preacher’s comin’ Sunday – to spend the day
But – we’re still a-livin – so everything’s okay.

The canned stuff’s spoiled – else the jars got broke
And all we got left is one old billy goat
We’re gonna have a new baby about the first of May
But – we’re still a-livin – so everythings okay.

My crop it rotted – in the ground
I asked for another loan but the banker turned me down
But – we’re still a-livin and we’re prayin’ for better days
So – after all, everthing’s in purty good shape.

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Commentaires récents

  1. Illicitano, La lecture de l’article confirme ma première impression négative que j’ai étayée plus haut. Je lis par exemple cette…

  2. « Fonctions gouvernementales Relations et négociations internationales En gros le Quai d’Orsay » D’accord, puisque de toute façon vous finirez bien par…

  3. Je m’étais arrêté au premier lien, effectivement avec les autres liens on accède à l’article. Mea culpa.

  4. Je peux lire l’ensemble de tous les articles de ce blog sans donner mon email. C’est en accès libre. Mon…

  5. @PYD (« Oui mais c’est un site confidentiel, faut donner son e-mail pour accéder à l’article. ») C’est dans l’air du temps,…

  6. @Paul Jorion Ce sont surtout les églises chrétiennes(ou Jesus de Nazareth lui-même?) qui ont inventé un Dieu bon, miséricordieux, qui…

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